Rewilding bodies of water and the involvement of local people in the planning form the basis for the long-term goal of increasing quality of life and economic situation locally.
Rewilding Oder Delta aims to sustainably improve the landscape water management in the region of Rothenklempenow and Ueckermünder Heide in the district of Vorpommern-Greifswald. This landscape is characterized by marshy waters, Natura2000 protected areas, and numerous drainage ditches that negatively impact the landscape water management.
Rewilding bodies of water and the involvement of local people in the planning form the basis for the long-term goal of increasing quality of life and economic situation locally.
If successful, this approach will be transferred to the Polish side with the municipalities of Dobra, Police, and Nove Warpenow.
The excessive heat of the last 7 years has taken a toll on humans and animals.
Dry periods in recent years have shown significant deficits in landscape water management, which have been noticeable for both agriculture and the civilian population. Integrated water and land management is intended to address these challenges.
The special feature of this project is the participatory approach, where the local population is actively involved in the planning and implementation.
Through a structured dialogue process, the goals and action possibilities of the local population, especially farmers and land users, will be identified and integrated into landscape planning. This bottom-up process allows for the consideration of the needs and concerns of the local people and the development of solutions together. Collaboration with the local population in the municipality of Rothenklempenow and other partners such as the Friends of the Rivers Ina and Gowienica Association in Poland and Rewilding Oder Delta e.V. is crucial for the success of the project.
Together, work is being done on topics such as water resource management, renaturation, local economic development, and socio-cultural village and landscape development.
Through this holistic and sustainable approach, the aim is to establish a more natural land water management system that benefits both nature and local economic businesses and the civilian population. For functioning ecosystems.
Our associated partner in this endeavor is the Regional Planning Association Vorpommern. The project is funded as part of the model project “Cross-border synergies of spatial planning and water management in the Odra River basin” by the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building. They aim to contribute to implementing the joint future concept for the German-Polish interconnection area and the German-Polish action plan with concrete measures. Today, we were presented with the funding certificate for this purpose.