Out of love for the nature of our region and for ourselves – „Lebenslandschaft Vorpommern“

March 28, 2025

The health of every living organism depends on the effective communication and co-operation of its individual cells. It’s similar in nature: a multitude of species means biodiversity, and biodiversity is crucial for healthy ecosystems. To promote healthy ecosystems, we need to ensure that we also communicate and collaborate well in our own processes so that we function as a whole. For this reason, we have organised a kick-off workshop to engage stakeholders in the region. Only together can we ensure the long-term restoration of functioning ecosystems, sustainable land use and nature-based tourism through our activities. The planned measures will help to protect the natural treasures of our region, strengthen its resilience to climate change and thus preserve our livelihoods.

Result presentation of workshop
Results of the workshop are presented
Jan Hilgendorf / Rewilding Oder Delta

Learning from each other and working together in the ‘Lebenslandschaft Vorpommern’

What a great day! On 17 March 2025, numerous representatives from various organisations, institutions and companies in the Western Pomerania-Greifswald region came together for our kick-off workshop. We were really pleased with the lively participation!

Together, we discussed important topics such as ‘Wildlife – return and coexistence’, ‘Climate adaptation through water retention and land use change’, ‘Nature experience as an offer’ and ‘Visitor guidance’. The main purpose of the event was to network with each other, meet in person and promote dialogue. A key aim of the workshop was to learn from the experiences of all those present in order to implement the upcoming measures in the best possible way over the next five years.

Strong together – A comprehensive programme for the next 5 years

The workshop that we organised last week together with the Tourismusverband Vorpommern e.V., the Michael Succow Foundation and the Naturschutzstiftung Deutsche Ostsee (OSTSEESTIFTUNG) was a complete success and went down extremely well with our guests. We would like to actively involve the various stakeholders from the Western Pomerania-Greifswald region in the forthcoming activities. One particular focus was on improving communication and the desired forms of cooperation.

Actors from a wide range of authorities and organisations

When we talk about actors from a wide range of organisations, we mean the “Staatliche Amt für Landwirtschaft und Umwelt Vorpommern”, the “Landesamt für Straßenbau und Verkehr M-V”, the “Naturpark Flusslandschaft Peenetal”, “Naturpark Am Stettiner Haff” and “Naturpark Insel Usedom”, the municipality Murchin, the “Forstamt Jägerhof”, the “Bundesforstbetrieb Vorpommern-Strelitz” (for DBU Naturerbe GmbH), the “Forstamt Neu Pudagla”, the “Untere Naturschutzbehörde Landkreis Vorpommern Greifswald”, the “Untere Wasserbehörde Landkreis Vorpommern-Greifswald”, the “Biosphärenreservatsamt Südost-Rügen”, “LEADER Flusslandschaft Peenetal”, the “NABU Insel Usedom” and further NABU representatives, the “Wasser- und Bodenverband Ryck-Ziese”, the “Wasser- und Bodenverband Untere Peene“, the “Bauernverband Ostvorpommern” and “Bauernverband Uecker-Randow”, the “Volkshochschule Vorpommern – Greifswald”, the “133 ha GmbH”, the “Jugendbildungs- und Begegnungsstätten des Landkreises Vorpommern-Greifswald”, the “Tourismusverband Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.”, the “Stabsstelle Partnerschaften/ deutsch-polnische Projekte”, the “zip erlebnis”, the “Kreisvolkshochschule Vorpommern-Rügen”, the “Förderkreis Schloss Bauer e.V.” and the coordination of the tourist route network in the district of Western Pomerania-Greifswald. 

Workshop opening and vivid discussions of participants are shown
Workshop is opened by Ulrich Stöcker and participants are discussing vividly
Jan Hilgendorf / Rewilding Oder Delta

Because we love nature in our region and want to secure our livelihood with it

As part of the Aktionsprogramms Natürlicher Klimaschutz, we will be implementing numerous measures together with regional stakeholders over the next five years. These measures aim to improve coexistence with wildlife and promote appreciation of nature. We will support sustainable tourism through targeted visitor guidance and exciting nature experience programmes. We are also focussing on the protection and restoration of coastal flooded marshes and developing land and water management models adapted to the environment and climate crisis. Another aim is to recognise and protect reed beds as valuable habitats.

The joint project ‘“Gemeinsam Mee(h)r Natur in Vorpommern wagen”’ is funded by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation with funds from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection. We will actively shape the ‘Lebenslandschaft Vorpommern’ with our activities.

Strengthening coexistence with wild animals and appreciation for nature

Rewilding Oder Delta e.V. will promote biodiversity and water retention by renaturalising streams and wetlands as well as sandy habitats. The association will develop solutions for peaceful coexistence with species such as the beaver, which acts as a landscape designer, as well as other returning animal species such as the moose, which is a border crosser on Usedom. Events will be organised on how to deal with returning wildlife and opportunities for wildlife observation will be created for the benefit of local landowners.

A particular aim of the measures is to raise awareness of the value of nature and its services among residents and visitors. Educational programmes, workshops and practical examples of implementation, such as the correct application of individual tree protection and land protection, are intended to create acceptance and support for effective climate and nature conservation measures. Cooperation with the Tourismusverband Vorpommern e.V. plays a key role here in making nature tangible and at the same time preserving it for future generations.

New standards for sustainable tourism in Western Pomerania

The networking of tourism stakeholders and nature conservation organisations in order to promote sustainable and high-quality development in the region plays a decisive role in the implementation of a long-term strategy for environmental and climate protection.

‘The project sets new standards in regional networking. Through close cooperation between tourism, nature conservation and regional development, we are creating a future-proof basis for sustainable tourism and habitat development. Our common goal is to shape tourism in Western Pomerania in harmony with environmental and climate protection – for the benefit of nature, locals and guests alike,’ says Fanny Holzhüter, Managing Director of Tourismusverband Vorpommern e.V., optimistically looking ahead to the coming years of cooperation within the network. The initiative is not only intended to increase the attractiveness of the region for visitors, but also to ensure the long-term protection of valuable natural and cultural landscapes.

Protection and restoration of coastal flooded marshes

One focus of the project is the protection and restoration of coastal flooded peatlands as carbon reservoirs and habitats for numerous species. The Michael Succow Foundation is not only showing how peatland protection can succeed, but also how it can be harmonised with adapted land and water management. ‘Coastal flooded bogs have become rare on the Bodden coast of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in Hotspot 30. These unique habitats provide a home for coastal birds and plant species of the salt grassland. In the project, we are restoring the natural flooding dynamics on our Karrendorfer Wiesen natural heritage site and using adapted grazing to promote the formation of salt marsh peat bogs, which are important carbon reservoirs. By establishing peat-forming species, we are not only contributing to climate protection, but also to coastal protection and thus climate adaptation through peat growth,’ says Jan Peters, Managing Director of the Michael Succow Foundation.

For healthier reed beds

As part of the project, the Naturschutzstiftung Deutsche Ostsee will analyse the condition of brackish water-influenced reed beds in hotspot 30 and identify their importance for biodiversity. Project manager Isabel Aranguren outlines the approach as follows: ‘Reeds are often perceived as a threat to meadow breeders. However, these reedbed zones provide a habitat for a specific animal and plant world, for example as a hiding place, food source or nesting site. Reedbeds make a significant contribution to the conservation of biodiversity in the Western Pomerania region. We would like to use current data to show the importance of reed beds influenced by brackish water and demonstrate how the reed beds have developed.’

More vivid discussions are shown
Participants are exchanging knowledge and experiences
Jan Hilgendorf / Rewilding Oder Delta

What happens next

In the workshop, the wish was expressed for annual meetings and the formation of working groups on specific measures and topics for the next five years. The stakeholders want to be kept continuously informed and we will do our best to meet their needs in suitable formats. Through this close co-operation, we want to ensure that the measures for the ‘Living Landscape Western Pomerania’ are successfully implemented.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this successful workshop! Let’s tackle the challenges of the coming years together!

Editorial: Ulrike Frenzel


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