On 23 September 2021, the second part of the German-Polish exchange between stakeholders from nature conservation, agriculture, forestry and science took place in Rothenklempenow in the Ueckermünde Heath. The meeting was organised by us within the framework of the Interreg Va project “Wildes (er)leben am Haff” (English: Wild life at the Lagoon) in order to showcase the long-standing experiences of the actors in our cross-border region and also to discuss wishes, concerns and ideas for the future of the area.

With a group of experts consisting of representatives of DBU Naturerbe GmbH, a subsidiary of Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, Federacja Zielonych Gaja, University of Greifswald, Ostseestiftung, Michael-Succow Stiftung and Deutsche Umwelthilfe, together with farmers from the agricultural marketing co-op BioBoden, foresters of the neighbouring areas and initiators of the organic farm community Höfegemeinschaft Pommern GmbH, we were able to shed light on challenges for land use and rewilding on the example of the agricultural areas of the Höfegemeinschaft in Rothenklempenow and the natural heritage areas of the DBU in the Ueckermünder Heath. We visited the educational project “Weltacker – Zukunft 2000 m²” (English: Worldfield – Future 2000m²) by RCE Stettiner Haff, moorland areas of the Höfegemeinschaft, Lake Latzig (State Office for Environment and Nature Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania), the Martensche Bruch, the Zopienwiese as well as forest areas at the Großer Mützelburger Lake (all DBU) and the Beeke estuary at Lake Neuwarp (State Office for Environment and Nature).
The meeting and the field trip were accompanied by the opening of our office in Rothenklempenow, which will enable us to network more actively, to present the opportunities of rewilding and implement joint projects in the region.
More information in the event report.