On April 20 this year, the Rewilding Oder Delta team will once again support a waste collection action on the Ina River, which has been initiated for years by the Society of Friends of the Rivers Ina and Gowienica (TPRIiG). Together with the local community and partners from the region, we invite you to a joint event for the river health improvement.
Take part in the Ina River Clean-up
Every year, we carry out the Ina River cleanup together and across borders. Anyone interested is cordially invited to the campsite on Spacerowa Street in Goleniów / Spacerowej w Goleniowie (53°32’58.2″N 14°50’33.3″E) , where, among other things, garbage tongs and protective gloves will be available for participants. The event will be followed by a bonfire with sausages.

Event program – 20 April 2024 (Saturday):
- Start at 10:00 am, campsite
- 3-4 hours of field work on the banks of the nearby Ina River
- Joint campfire
- End of the action approx. 14:00
The event takes place regardless of weather conditions.
We provide: Garbage tongs, protective gloves, garbage bags, drinking water and sausages with bread for the campfire.

Please bring suitable footwear (wellies and waders are welcome), weather-appropriate clothing, warm drinks and drinking bottles (to minimize waste, water will be provided from large containers).
Please send a confirmation of participation to magdalena.urlich@rewilding-oder-delta.com by April 18, 2024.
We are very happy if children and young people take part in the clean-up, but we ask that minors come accompanied by adults and under their responsibility.
See you at the river!
- Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Rzek Iny i Gowienicy/Society of Friends of the Ina and Gowienica Rivers
- Hufiec ZHP Goleniów
- Fundacja dla Klimatu i Bioróżnorodności/Foundation for Climate and Biodiversity
- Inicjatywa Ratujmy Inę/Initiative to save the Ina
- Goleniowski Dom Kultury/Cultural Center Goleniów
- Gmina Goleniów/City administration Goleniów
- Przedsiębiorstwo Gospodarki Komunalnej w Goleniowie